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  • Turk, E. & Ercetin, G. (2014). Effects of interactive versus simultaneous display of multimedia glosses on L2 reading comprehension and incidental vocabulary learning. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 27(1), 1-25.
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  • Uchikoshi, Y. (2014). Development of vocabulary in Spanish-speaking and Cantonese-speaking English language learners. Applied Psycholinguistics, 35(1), 119-153.
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  • Edwards, R., & Collins, L. (2011). Lexical frequency profiles and zipf's law. Language Learning, 61, 1-30.
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  • Vidal, Karina. (2011). A comparison of the effects of reading and listening on incidental vocabulary acquisition. Language Learning, 61, 219-258.
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  • Kathryn S, W., & Carmel,H. (2013). Once upon a time, there was a pulchritudinous princess...: The role of word definitions and multiple story contexts in children's learning of difficult vocabulary. Applied Psycholinguistics, 34(3), 591-613.
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  • Huang, Shufen, Willson, V., & Eslami, Z. (2012). The effects of task involvement load on L2 incidental vocabulary learning: A meta-analytic study. The Modern Language Journal, 96, 544-557.
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  • Yang, Hui-Chi. (2013). It is more than knowledge seeking: Examining the effects of open course ware lectures on vocabulary acquisition in English as a foreign language (EFL) context. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 26(1), 1-20.
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  • Martin, K. I., & Ellis, N. C. (2012). The roles of phonological short-term memory and working memory in L2 grammar and vocabulary learning. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 34, 379-413.
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  • Mann, W., & Marshall, C. (2012). Investigating deaf children's vocabulary knowledge in British sign language. Language Learning, 62, 1024-1051.
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  • Webb, S., & Chang, A. C. (2012). Vocabulary learning through assisted and unassisted repeated reading. The Canadian Modern Language Review/La Revue canadienne des langues vivantes, 68(3), 267-290.
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  • Bardel, C., Gudmundson, A., & Lindqvist, C. (2012). Aspects of lexical sophistication in advanced learners' oral production: Vocabulary acquisition and use in L2 french and italian. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 34, 269-290.
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  • Mohsen, M. A., & Balakumar, M. (2011). A review of multimedia glosses and their effects on L2 vocabulary acquisition in CALL literature. Recall, 23(2), 135-159.
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  • Schmitt, N., Ng, J. W. C., & Garras, J. (2011). The Word Associates Format: Validation evidence. Language Testing, 28(1), 105-126.
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  • Nation, I. S. P. (2011). Research into practice: Vocabulary. Language Teaching, 44(4), 529-539.
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  • Van der Hoeven, N., & de Bot, K. (2012). Relearning in the elderly: Age-related effects on the size of savings. Language Learning, 62, 42-67.
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  • Bolger, P., & Zapata, G. (2011). Semantic categories and context in L2 vocabulary learning. Language Learning, 61, 614-646.
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  • Brooks, P. J., Kempe, V., & Donachie, A. (2011). Second language learning benefits from similarity in word endings: Evidence from Russian. Language Learning, 61, 1142-1172.
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  • Elgort, I. (2011). Deliberate learning and vocabulary acquisition in a second language. Language Learning, 61, 367-413.
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  • Strapp, C. M., Helmick, A. L, Tonkovich, H. M., & Bleakney, D. M. (2011). Effects of Negative and positive evidence on adult word learning. Language Learning, 61, 506-532.
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  • Hammond, K., & Danaher, K. (2012). The value of targeted comic book readers. ELT Journal, 66(2), 193-204.
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